January 26, 2009

Michele Brody: Mike Droske

Just a quick post about plant materials for the SeedPosts-
I know Michele expressed a desire to use Texas native plants, and there are a few grasses that may work.
One is Buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides). It's an extremely drought-tolerant shortgrass (usually 3-12" long when unmowed) that may work in a hydroponic environment.

Mexican feathergrass (Stipa tenuissima) is a bunchgrass that has a gorgeous soft and graceful texture, and would definitely have a striking look. However, it is prone to root rots and may not do well in a hydroponic setting.

I've contacted a few people in the Hort department, but I haven't heard back from them yet. Just wanted to throw a couple of TX natives out there for people to take a look at.

-Mike D.

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