March 20, 2009

Quesions about "Nonlinear System Biology and Design-Surface Design"

I have some questions about Jenny Sabin's article, which is "Nonlinear System Biology and Design-Surface Design".

1. What is the "3D scissor mechanism" and how to correlate with retractable roofs, chairs?

2. The concepts and techniques of Surface Design are used to aid the analysis on the relation between "mammary epithlium" and "Tenascin-C (and laminin)". Why use the digital algorithms (Delaunay Tessellation and the Voronoi diagram) to form the model? Could you explain why this surface can reflect the information of mammary epithelial tissue contour? Is it an assumption or a principle in medical field?

3. In the comparison between two cases (one is normal control, another one is exposed to both lamini and tenasicin-C), I am wondering whether you need to consider and establish the algorithmic "lamini and teasicin-C".



1 comment:

  1. Julian,
    Check out the Surface Design section for 2007 on our website to see a few images of a 3D scissor mechanism and for further information on the Surface Design project.

    Also, be sure to visit Chuck Hoberman's website at:

    The Delaunay Tessellation and Voronoi Diagram allowed us to gain additional information about the overall packing behavior of the model and the distribution of forces across the mesh. Yes, we considered both scenarios and developed two models. Essentially, this was a mapping exercise of existing relationships extracted from the datasets.


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